
Thursday, November 3, 2016

Lung Cancer Awareness Scrapbook and FREEBIE

Hi everyone! 
Did you know that November is Lung Cancer Awareness month?
Did you know that more people die from lung cancer than colorectal, breast, and prostate cancers combined? 

This awful disease has had a huge impact on my family. We have lost my Dad, my Aunt, and my Grandpa to lung cancer.  Then on February 9, 2016 my sister, Daisy, was diagnosed with lung cancer. We were all shocked, heart broken, scared...I was angry. Daisy has never smoked, she has never drank or used drugs. How does a person who has never smoked get lung cancer?!?  

Daisy had surgery in March to remove a lobe of her lungs. A few days later we learned that the cancer had spread to her lymph nodes. She went through 4 Chemo treatments and is now doing Immunotherapy. (treatment that uses medicines to stimulate the body's immune system to search out and destroy cancer cells) Daisy has completed 6 out of 16 of the Immunotherapy treatments. She is now in remission...Praise the Lord!!

My goal this month is to bring more awareness to lung cancer. I am doing that through my crafting hobby =)

Here is a 5x7 scrapbook that I altered. The image is a My Bestie.

 The image I wanted to use (IMG871) is bald.

I wanted her to have hair because the Chemo for lung cancer doesn't typically make a person bald. So, I asked Sherri Ann Baldy for permission to alter her image. She told me I could =) So I took the hair from IMG 605 Southern Charm and put it on IMG871 to make a lovely cancer awareness image with hair. 

Lung Cancer Awareness Digi

Sherri is offering this sweetie to you for FREE in honor of those fighting Lung Cancer.

To begin altering the scrapbook cover, I sanded the cover and then applied a few coats of gesso. Once that was dry, I used My Bestie molding paste and stencils to create texture. Then I added lots of embellishments.

You can find lots of good information on cancer HERE.  I found this piece on Lung Cancer very educational. It gives you statistics and treatments. 

Please help us in our quest to raise awareness on lung cancer. 

I'd like to say a big THANK YOU to Sherri Ann Baldy for all her love and support.

Thank you for stopping by, you'll have to come back for another visit to see the layouts =)  Have a craftastic day! 

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